Interview with Michelle Kooi

#344 Journey Beyond Perfection: Exploring Growth and Mindfulness | Michelle Kooi

February 27, 20243 min read

Interview with Michelle Kooi


Guest Bio:
Michelle Kooi is a highly regarded productivity coach and organizational strategist who specializes in empowering female entrepreneurs with ADHD. Through her innovative techniques and personalized coaching methods, Michelle aids her clients in mastering the art of prioritization and organization. Her mission is to facilitate these business owners in enhancing their productivity while simultaneously infusing joy and balance into their professional pursuits.

3 big ideas discussed in this episode:

BIG IDEA #1: Perfection and procrastination

BIG IDEA #2: Presence - be here now; sit in the discomfort; feel the feels; connect with the infinite; allow the impossible

BIG IDEA #3: Progress - baby steps move you forward; questions are the answer; creativity is the juice; celebrate the small things


1) Website: https://www.confluencecoaching.life

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Journey Beyond Perfection: Exploring Growth and Mindfulness with Michelle Kooi

In the latest episode of our podcast, "Embracing the Journey: Progress, Presence, and the Pursuit of Imperfection," we had the privilege of hosting Michelle Kooi, a luminary in the realm of personal growth. Our conversation was a deep dive into the complexities of self-improvement and an examination of the cultural obsession with perfection that often hinders our progress.

Michelle Kooi, with her profound insights and gentle guidance, unraveled the notion of perfectionism for our listeners. She illuminated how chasing the mirage of perfection not only spawns procrastination but also creates an impasse in our personal and professional endeavors. Her wisdom shone through as she articulated the paradox of perfectionism: the more we chase it, the more elusive it becomes, and in the process, we lose sight of our actual goals and aspirations.

As the conversation meandered through the intricacies of self-growth, Michelle placed a spotlight on the power of presence. She invited us to explore the depths of our emotions and to be truly present in the moment. The art of being present, as Michelle described, is not about passive resignation but an active engagement with the now. It is in this engagement that we find the seeds of possibility and change. By allowing ourselves to experience the full spectrum of our feelings, we unlock a more authentic and fulfilling path forward.

The dialogue with Michelle was not just an intellectual exercise but a call to action. She encouraged our listeners to embrace the journey of progress with open arms and to appreciate the incremental advancements we make each day. Progress, as Michelle reminded us, is not measured by the giant leaps but by the small steps that guide us closer to who we want to be. She urged us to wield questions as keys to unlock deeper understanding and to view creativity as the driving force behind our continual growth.

Michelle's message resonated with a simple yet powerful truth: imperfection is not a flaw to be corrected but a space for potential to flourish. By embracing our imperfections and recognizing them as integral to our journey, we can transcend the self-imposed limitations of perfectionism and truly advance on the path of self-improvement.

Enjoy the interview

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Jeremy C. Jones

Jeremy C. Jones is the founder and CEO of Jones Media Publishing, and the creator of Authority Coach the book publishing training and coaching program for entrepreneurs.

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