Interview with Jen Auh

#349 Unlocking Confidence Through Personal Style & Life Color | Jen Auh

April 16, 20241 min read

Interview with Jen Auh 


Guest Bio:

Jen Auh, seasoned professional in the beauty and fashion industry, has spent over two decades shaping her career through partnership with prestigious brands, including Bliss, Macy's, and Too Faced Cosmetics. Her extensive experience lent itself to a sharpened understanding of personal aesthetics and the significant role they play in one's confidence and success.

3 big ideas discussed in this episode: 

BIG IDEA #1: When you look good, you feel good. It's that simple. Style tells who you are without saying a word 

BIG IDEA #2: Show confidence through body language. People judge people via first impression and 55% is body language

BIG IDEA #3: Personal life color is what we are born with like blood type based on year, month, day, time and place. Maximize your strengths 

1) Website: www.jenauh.com
2) LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenauh/

Dive into a profound discussion on why looking good boosts your mood, attitudes, and overall performance. Jen shares tips on improving individual appearances, tapping on aspects that range from fashion to fitness.

We unravel the role of personal style as a non-verbal expression of who you are. Jen Auh illustrates how one’s style can make a lasting first impression and give glimpses into their personality.

Explore the vital aspect of communication – body language. Understand why 55% of first impressions depend on body language. Jen explains techniques to project confidence and positivity through body language.

Get ready for an intriguing exploration of personal life color – a concept originating from Asian philosophy relating to one's birth details. Understand its impact on personality traits, success, and relationships.

Gain insights into the importance of knowing and utilizing your strengths. Jen provides practical and useful tips on tapping into your abilities to become the best version of yourself.

Enjoy the interview 

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Jeremy C. Jones

Jeremy C. Jones is the founder and CEO of Jones Media Publishing, and the creator of Authority Coach the book publishing training and coaching program for entrepreneurs.

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