Interview with Craig Perra

#394 From Bad Habits to Self-Leadership | Craig Perra

February 11, 20251 min read

Interview with Craig Perra


Guest bio:

Former executive and attorney for billion dollar companies now a life coach who’s worked with some of the most successful men on the planet, leading them out of addiction into great lives and healthy relationships.

3 big ideas discussed in this episode:

BIG IDEA #1: All behavior is need seeking behavior. This includes all of our bad habits and addictions. It’s all serving a purpose and it’s meeting needs.

BIG IDEA #2: The breaker Habit, you have to make the right habits that meet the right needs.

BIG IDEA #3: The solution is self-leadership, which means identifying the parts of you meeting needs reactively and learn to lead them to meet their needs proactively.


Website: mindfulhabithelp.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craigperra/

Enjoy the interview

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Jeremy C. Jones

Jeremy C. Jones is the founder and CEO of Jones Media Publishing, and the creator of Authority Coach the book publishing training and coaching program for entrepreneurs.

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