Copy My Book Launch Blueprint:

Watch over my shoulder in this 5-minute video to see how we use the "Book Blueprint" to reach over 200k people on Amazon for daily sales and 4-5 figures in passive income.

Watch over my shoulder as I reveal the step by step Blueprint to build a highly profitable book and business growth system.

First, let me me be crystal clear...

The results I am sharing with you are not typical.

I have been fortunate to have over 10-years in the online marketing and book publishing industry. The system inside is a direct product of hours and hours of refining this system.

The average person who self-publishes a book on Amazon will sell less than 200-copies in a lifetime.

The real life examples I will send you are from the result of hard work.

Your own results will depend on your experience and work ethic.

Authoring a book is a business, especially if you expect to profit from that book...

All business entails calculated risk, taking action, and consistent effort.

If you are looking for 'easy passive income without work' DO NOT WATCH THIS VIDEO OR JOIN MY COMMUNITY.

Nothing I share with you will be "easy".

With that said, it's entirely possible for someone who is not afraid to pay the price of effort and following a proven system.

It's simple, when you follow the Blueprint.

What You Are Getting...

This is drastically different from anything else you've seen about "self publishing" or "book promotion" because I literally let you swipe and copy the methods I've used on a daily basis for myself, and my private clients.

I don't use strategies that don't work. That would be a path to self-destruction.

I show you things that I do myself, or with my students and clients. Then I occasionally make an invite for you to do it "FASTER" with my help to implement it.

I'm not a prolific writer, but I've authored ideas...

I wasn't given ANY handouts or given any help to build and grow my business.

At this point, most online consultants might share a sob story of how they turned their life around after they destroyed their life and overdosed three times while destroying their life and family along the way...

I don't have that sob story...my story is pretty simple.

Going back 12-years ago, I was struggling to get my online business profitable.

I ran it as a "side hustle" for over five years...and just couldn't get it off the ground.

My business was designing business cards, and websites, and other random design services.

I struggled in the blazing-hot 118°F of Phoenix, Arizona going from local networking event, to tradeshows, to everything I could find.

Then I got so worn out from local networking in person, that I started networking online with Zoom meetings.

I was on Zoom for hours per day doing "coffee meetings" that all ended up wasting a lot of time, with little results.

After I got burned out from being on Zoom - I went back to trying to meet people in person locally...back to the sweaty hustle again.

I wanted to find a better way...

While at a local book signing event I ran into a successful business guy in the area and he invited me to work with his team. We did massive online campaigns with some industry icons you would likely know their names...

I was in charge of setting up the online platform for an online course and we launched it. It brought in over $124k in less than one week.

It was so exciting, it filled me with belief in myself that I could do something like that for myself if I could do it for someone else.

It was like a bootcamp for business ownership.

I learned so much in those two and a half years I worked with his team...

Then I was ready to start building for myself...

I thought to myself, "I built out this other authors Blueprint...Jeremy - you need to build Your Book Blueprint."

Then within 4-months I soon after replaced my wife's full time income, and I replaced my job income soon after.

Then I was awarded from an online promotion a framed award for earning over $100k in profits for MY BUSINESS.

I had published four of my own bestselling books at this stage, and I wanted to see if my Blueprint model could be used for other coaches and consultants to follow.

Now I've helped over 220 coaches, consultants, and service businesses to write, publish, and launch their book on Amazon.

And today I live in Scottsdale, Arizona with my wife and our fifteen year old son.

I no longer go to local networking events, unless I want to get out a meet a few new business people...it's no longer a necessary.

Now I just follow the Book Blueprint process and it brings in book sales weekly, new customers, and new clients...

Most people love to complicate the process of marketing and selling information products online. I know I've made hundreds of mistakes and wasted hundreds of hours with trial and error trying to figure things out while I refined my systems.

It's actually incredibly simple.

Here it is:

Step 1: Create a high-quality Book with a Book Blueprint for front-end sales and back-end profits.

Step 2: Launch that book and spend $200 on ads with my ABA method (to advertise next to successful books).

Step 3: Earn more than $200 in book royalties by getting book customers. Turn those customers into clients.

Everyone knows they can get a book up on Amazon KDP pretty easily.

Good grief...Amazon KDP allows you to upload a Word Doc as your book - even if it looks like trash.

With your current experience, you could do that with just knowing where to click your mouse.

But how do you turn information in a book on Amazon KDP into passive income and book royalties...

...that also turns book customers, into high-quality clients?

How do you get paid while you sleep?

How do you build a growing list of book buyers and customers on autopilot?

That's what Your Book Blueprint and my others Systems do.

And I detail every step inside.

— Jeremy C. Jones

P.S. If you just scrolled to the bottom - this is for you.

Here's the deal:

I've offering you a free 5-minute video on how we generate book customers at a profit. You'll learn how we are spending $50 in Ads, and getting back MORE than $50 in royalties. Then we turn those into customers and clients.

I'm also inviting you to join my private community and "copy" the Blueprint and Systems I have used to build a passive income business online.

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